Angelica M. Baker

B.S.A.E. 2015

Next adventure: Mechanical Experimental Equipment Test Engineer, NASA

Did you have any previous co-op, internship, or research experience in this area?

I was accepted into NASA's Pathway Internship program, so I did four semesters of co-ops at NASA Stennis.

Most looking forward to...
The fact that I will get to work on the test stand for adjusting the rockets for the SLS (Space Launch System). I will be in the control room.

How did your educational experience at GT-AE help you achieve your goal?
My jet propulsion and thermodynamics classes -- they were tough, but they gave me a lot of good knowledge that I brought to my internships, and, now, my job. Also, senior design was excellent, because you have to learn how to present your ideas before people who can ask some tough questions.

Obviously, study hard. Also: apply for everything. That's what I did. NASA was my dream since I was in kindergarten, so I applied to every NASA internship I could find.