Krishan K Ahuja
Regents Professor
Christos E Athanasiou
Assistant Professor
Spencer Bryngelson
Adjunct Professor, Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering; Assistant Professor, School of Computational Science & Engineering
Anthony J. Calise
Professor Emeritus
Christopher Carr
Assistant Professor
Yongxin Chen
Associate Professor
John Christian
Associate Professor
James I Craig
Professor Emeritus
John Dec
Professor of the Practice
Frank Dellaert
Adjunct Professor
Bolei Deng
Assistant Professor
Claudio Vinicius Di Leo
Associate Professor
Anna Erickson
Adjunct Professor
Karen M Feigh
Professor and Associate Chair for Research
Lu Gan
Assistant Professor
Laurie A. Garrow
Adjunct Professor
Brian J German
National Institute of Aerospace Langley Professor
Ari Glezer
Adjunct Faculty
Matthew Gombolay
Adjunct Professor
Brian C Gunter
Associate Professor
Wassim M Haddad
David S. Lewis Professor in Dynamical Systems and Control
Koki Ho
Dutton-Ducoffe Professor and Associate Professor
Jechiel Jagoda
Professor Emeritus
Kai James
Associate Professor
Sandra "Sandy" Magnus
Professor of the Practice
Dimitri Mavris
Regents Professor, Boeing Professor of Advanced Aerospace Systems Analysis, and Langley Distinguished Professor in Advanced Aerospace Systems Architecture
Anirban Mazumdar
Adjunct Faculty
Yi Chen Mazumdar
Adjunct Faculty
Suresh Menon
Hightower Professor
Kali Morgan
Learning Scientist
Joseph Oefelein
Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Programs
Mayuresh Patil
Professor of the Practice
Jonnalagadda V R Prasad
Professor and Associate Director of Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence
Elizabeth Qian
Assistant Professor
Devesh Ranjan
Adjunct Professor
Juergen Rauleder
Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence
Cristina Riso
Assistant Professor
Jonathan Rogers
Lockheed Martin Professor of Avionics Integration
Álvaro Romero-Calvo
Assistant Professor
Marilyn J Smith
Professor and Director of Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence
Adam Michael Steinberg
Pratt & Whitney Chair and Associate Chair for Graduate Programs
Wenting Sun
Associate Professor
Evangelos Theodorou
Associate Professor
Sedina Tsikata
Associate Professor, Lewis Professorship
Panagiotis Tsiotras
David & Andrew Lewis Chair
Kyriakos G Vamvoudakis
Dutton-Ducoffe Endowed Professor
Mitchell L.R. Walker II
William R.T. Oakes, Jr. School Chair
Mark Whorton
Professor of the Practice
Vigor Yang
Regents Professor
Turab Ali Zaidi
Senior Lecturer
Ben T Zinn
Regents Professor Emeritus