AE Minor Prerequisites & Requirements
Add Aerospace Engineering to Your Major
The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering offers a minor in aerospace engineering for Georgia Tech students majoring in other disciplines. Aerospace engineering majors seeking to minor in another subject should contact that school or program for requirements.
The aerospace engineering minor requires the successful completion of a minimum of 15 credit-hours in aerospace engineering, of which at least nine (9) semester hours will be in upper-level courses (3000 or above). All courses counting towards the minor must be taken on a letter-grade basis and must be completed with a GPA of 2.0 or above.
Core Courses for the AE Minor
All students minoring in aerospace engineering must take the following core AE courses or their equivalents:
- AE 2010 Thermodynamics and Fluid Fundamentals*
- AE 3030 Aerodynamics
- AE 3330 Introduction to Aerospace Vehicle Performance
*Mechanical engineering students who have taken ME 3322 should take a two-hour bridge course instead of the full four-hour AE 2010.
Electives for the AE Minor
The remainder of the requirements for an aerospace engineering minor can be fulfilled with any AE course, with the following exceptions:
- A maximum of 3 credit-hours of AE 3355/4355 may be applied to satisfy the minor;
- Up to 1 credit-hour of research credit (AE 2699/4699) may be used;
- No more than 3 credit-hours of Special Topics courses may be included;
- No Special Problems or internship coursework may be used;
- Courses required by name and number in a student’s major degree program cannot count towards the minor;
- Students may not use AE 3530 to satisfy their minor requirements if they use ME 3015, ME 3017 or ECE 3085 to satisfy their major requirements.
Steps for Changing Your Major to AE
1. Eligibility Requirements: Students who are interested in changing their major to Aerospace Engineering must first meet the following requirements (must be completed BEFORE applying for change of major—NO exceptions):
- Earn a C or better in MATH 1551 and MATH 1552
- Earn a C or better in PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2212
- Earn a C or better in CHEM 1310 --OR-- in both CHEM 1211K and CHEM 1212K
- Have a cumulative GT GPA of 2.75 or higher
2. If all requirements above have been met, students must then obtain approval from an AE advisor by meeting with them for an advising appointment. Please contact and AE advisor via email to set up an appointment (list of AE Advisors) to discuss your intentions behind wanting to switch to AE.
3. Once verbal approval has been obtained from an AE advisor, students can then complete and submit the Change of Major form available through DocuSign. Once the AE advisor and current major advisor sign the form, it will be sent to the Registrar for processing to update student's major to AE.
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