Your Final Assignment: Graduation
Your graduation from the Institute will require some planning and action on your part. As you approach your senior year, we recommend you review the following procedures so that you are prepared to make this event as smooth as it is exciting.
The semester before you graduate you must formally declare your intent to graduate. If you did this before, but did not graduate, you must complete the process again. There are two steps to this declaration:
Visit the Academic Advising Office to get a graduation packet. This will include complete instructions, as well as the student information form and final planned schedule form. You may also download this from the Useful Forms page.
Complete an Online Application for Graduation (OAG) that appears in that field is your current graduation application status.
The successful completion of those two steps will require you to:
Apply to graduate using the OAG
- Go to BuzzPort
- Select Registration - OSCAR;
- Select Student Services & Financial Aid; then select Student Records; and then select Apply to Graduate;
- If you are asked to Select the Current Term, select the current semester from the dropdown box. Do not select your graduation term here. Press Continue.
- You will now be on the Curriculum Selection screen. If your major or minor are not correct, stop immediately. Your major and minor (if applicable) must be correctly declared before you can apply to graduate.
- Catalog Year: If you have decided to move to the new AE curriculum (2014-2015 catalog year), your catalog year must be changed accordingly. This can be done by filing out a change of major form. You can see which catalog year applies to your case by looking at your DegreeWorks audit.
- Major: If your primary or secondary majors are not correct, then you must fill out a change of major form to correct them;
- Minor: If your minor is not declared, is incorrect, or if you are no longer pursuing a minor, you must fill out a change of minor form.
- Select the radio button for the program from which you are graduating. Press Continue.
NOTE: Students who have two majors can only select one major at a time. If you have 2 majors, you will need to complete this entire process for both. - On the next screen, select the semester of graduation in the dropdown box. Press Continue.
- On the Diploma Name Selection screen, indicate whether you will use your current name or a different name for your diploma. Press Continue.
NOTE: The registrar's office will review all requests to change names on diplomas. - The next screen will ask you to confirm your name. Press Continue.
- On the Diploma Mailing Address Selection screen, indicate the address to which you want us to send your diploma. Press Continue.
NOTE: Diplomas are mailed approximately 8 weeks after graduation, so plan accordingly. - On the Graduation Application Summary screen, review all of your information carefully. Click Submit Request only after you have checked the accuracy of the information
- On the next screen, click on the Georgia Tech Exit Survey link at the bottom of the page. Complete and submit the survey.
Know the due dates for the On-line Application for Graduation (OAG)
- On-line applications for graduation (OAG) are due within the first week of that semester. (ex. If you are graduating in Spring 2021, your OAG is due no later than the first week of Spring 2021)
- A new OAG is required for every semester that you apply to graduate. If you do not graduate when planned, you must fill out another OAG.
- The due dates for OAGs can be found on the GT Registrar's Calendar. If you are a Summer degree candidate, but you wish to participate in Spring commencement, please note there is an earlier deadline for the online application and an additional form is required.
Review your DegreeWorks audit
- All students must review their DegreeWorks audit. DegreeWorks is the system that is used to verify you are eligible to graduate. It is your responsibility to verify your DegreeWorks audit is correct and all of the requirements are met;
- Log into DegreeWorks. The login is in the yellow bar on the right side of the screen under Buzz;
- After you log on, you will see your degree audit;
- If you have any questions about your DegreeWorks audit, contact the AE associate chair or the AE academic advising manager.
Verify that your OAG was correctly submitted
- Go to BuzzPort
- Select Registration - OSCAR;
- Select Student Services & Financial Aid; then select Student Records; and then select View Application to Graduate;
- If it asks you to select a semester, please select the semester in which you plan to graduate;
- If you correctly submitted the OAG you will see it on that screen. If it says that no active graduation application exists then your application to graduate was not submitted.
Submit forms for minors, certificates, concentrations, and the International Plan (as appropriate)
- Minors: Students who are earning a minor must submit a signed minor program of study form to the registrar's office to receive their minor. Minors are noted on your transcript, but do not appear on your diploma. The form requires signature from both the department offering the minor and your academic advisor before you submit it to the GT Registrar's Office. This form is different from the minor declaration form. Both need to be filled out. If you have not yet filled out the declaration form, please do so immediately;
- Certificates: Certificate forms are not submitted with the degree petitions. They are turned in directly to the department offering the certificate. You must ask the department offering the certificate for its form. Certificates do not show up on your diploma or transcript;
- International Plan: All IP students who plan to complete the program must submit the International Plan Degree Designation Form to the GT Registrar's office separately. This form requires signature from both an IP advisor and the AE associate chair before you turn it into the GT Registrar's office. The International Plan is a degree designator and will appear on your diploma and transcript.
Monitor your graduation status on OSCAR
- The Degree Certification office will conduct 2 audits of your On-line Application to Graduate (OAG). Below is a timeline of those audits:
- First Audit – This audit begins 1-2 weeks after Phase II Registration closes and is completed around mid-semester. If, after this audit, there are deficiencies that cannot be resolved with final grades (such as low GPA, pending transfer credit, and registrar administrative deficiency), you will be de-activated as a current degree candidate and will be required to submit an OAG for the next semester;
- Second (Final) Audit - The final audit occurs on the Tuesday following Commencement, after all of the semester grades are available.
- Inactivation Date: The inactivation date is when all students who have not cleared up their deficiencies, excluding the ones listed above, will be automatically changed to inactive status. This occurs approximately one month before Commencement;
- To view your graduation status, log onto DegreeWorks. Near the top of your audit, under a section titled Student View, you will see a field for Graduation Information. The text that appears in that field is your current graduation application status.
Additional Information
Changing Your Graduation Term
If you need to change your graduation term, send the Academic Advising Manager an e-mail asking that your OAG status be changed to inactive. This must be done before the drop day of the semester you petitioned to graduate. A new OAG must be submitted for the new semester in which you plan to graduate.
The 36-hour Rule
Your last 36 credit-hours must be taken in residence at Georgia Tech. If you plan to take a class at another university within that 36-hour window, you must Petition the Facultyand receive a waiver of this rule prior to taking the class.
The 10-year Rule
Coursework more than 10 years old cannot be applied to a current BS degree. If you have coursework that is 10 years old, you must Petition the Faculty and receive permission for that coursework to apply.
Summer Candidates
Summer Candidates
Summer degree candidates are invited to participate in the Fall semester commencement ceremony, which is held in December. To receive tickets to, and participate in, that ceremony, you must register an email address before August 1. Information will be sent to that email address during the Fall semester.
If you need two or fewer classes to complete your degree requirements after the Spring semester, you may ask to participate in the Spring commencement ceremony. You will be required to apply for graduation during a special window in March and you must meet all of the requirements outlined by the GT Registrar.
Additional Resources
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