Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:00AM

Brown Bag Seminar

Thursday, April 20, 2023

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Guggenheim 442


Walther Chong

Savanna Scott

Ethan Sirak


Walther Chong


First-Principles Reduced Order Method to Estimate UAS Rotor Performance


Due to the limited information available on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)
unmanned aerial system (UAS) rotor data and the need to be able to predict
the performance of UAS vehicles, it is often desirable to estimate performance
data based on easily measurable physical quantities of rotors.

Based on a first-principles blade element theory method, an estimation of
the performance of small rotors commonly used in UAS applications is being
explored for moderate flow speeds and low solidity. UAS proprotor experimental
data as well as parametrized data developed by Gill & D’Andrea at ETH Z¨urich
was used in order to develop a rotor estimator model, yielding rotor forces
and moments to quantify the performance of the rotor. Further work to be
completed include adding duct correction factors for estimating the influence of
the addition of a duct to open rotor systems to generate a ducted rotor system.


Professor Marilyn Smith

Savanna Scott


Obstacle Avoidance Path Planning Algorithms


This presentation explores three different path planning algorithms. The algorithms are: rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT), artificial potential fields (APF), and sequential convex programming (SCP). RRT uses random samples within the search area and grows a tree of paths towards the goal. APF creates a negative potential field around the UAV and obstacles as well as a positive field around the goal. This causes the UAV to be attracted to the goal while repelled from the obstacles. Finally, SCP creates a sequence of convex subproblems to find the shortest path to the goal. All three algorithms were implemented for the same field of obstacles and the results of the paths they found are compared and contrasted at the end of the presentation.


Professor Kyriakos Vamvoudakis

Ethan Sirak


Analysis of the Sensitivity of eVTOL Performance due to Size


Using software developed at NCAEL, COMPASS (COMPlex Aerodynamics of Simple Shapes) and GTABB (GT Aerodynamics of Bluff Bodies), two sizes of an eVTOL quadcopter were evaluated to determine the effect of vehicle size scaling on the vehicle’s performance. COMPASS generates a range of aerodynamic coefficients for a defined vehicle geometry, and GTABB is then used to simulate flight and generate performance metrics for analysis. Both a full-scale and half-scale model were evaluated and compared. This project is ongoing, with current work including the inclusion of different canonical shapes, comparison of COMPASS data to higher-fidelity methods, such as CFD, and to experimental data from the Army and NASA. 


Professor Marilyn Smith