AE Brown Bag Seminar
Friday, Jan. 31
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Guggenheim 442
Patrick Barry
Calvin Tomsic
Pizza Served
Patrick Barry
Developing a Model-Predictive Path Integral Controller for an Autonomous Racecar
This seminar discusses the process of writing and implementing a Model-Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) Controller for an autonomous racing platform. MPPI is a nonlinear form of control that leverages the power of parallel computing to produce favorable control inputs. Several building blocks of this process are presented, including parallel computation, car dynamics, and racetrack centerline detection. The implementation using Robot Operating System (ROS) and the process of testing and tuning the controller on the vehicle are also explored. Ultimately, with a tuned MPPI controller, the car is able to drive around a racetrack of approximately 1 meter-width autonomously at a speed of 1.5 meters per second.Faculty Advisor:
Panagiotis Tsiotras
Calvin Tomsic
High Altitude Ignition: Contributions to Testing at 40k Feet
The High Altitude Ignition research program, sponsored by Pratt & Whitney, aimed to simulate ignition at low-temperature and low-pressure conditions—equivalent to flying at 40,000 feet above sea level. The student-supported effort involved designing and fabricating an experimental test rig to achieve design conditions and testing ignition in a 'spraybox' and full annular rig. The program was guided by Dr. Adam Steinberg (Principal Investigator), Dr. Shawn Wehe (Research Engineer), and Conner Godbold (Research Engineer). This presentation highlights Calvin Tomsic's contributions to the High Altitude Ignition program between August 2023 and December 2024, which include control room wiring, 'spraybox' component fabrication, test rig wiring and assembly, liquid nitrogen and fuel line construction, annular test rig component fabrication and assembly, 'pressure tap' line construction and wiring, and assisting with test events.
Faculty Advisor:
Professor Adam Steinberg