Graduate Research, Teaching, and Other Support
Graduate Research, Teaching, and Other Support
Many AE graduate students receive financial support for their graduate studies through graduate research assistantships (GRA) or graduate teaching assistantships (GTA). The School cannot guarantee assignment to these paying positions, but every effort is made to match appropriate students to available slots and to assist students in bridging occasional gaps in funding. The final decisions for GRAs in AE are made by individual faculty; GTA assignments are made by the associate chair of the AE Graduate Program.
Additional information about paying for grad school, Graduate Assistantships, fellowships, loans, and off-campus employment options is available on the Office of Graduate Studies site.
For more information on demographics, admissions, and time-to-degree for doctoral students in our program, go to Doctoral Student Statistics. Enter the search criteria for Aerospace Engineering.
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Graduate Research Assistantships (GRA)
With an annual research budget of more than $40 million, the AE School strongly supports its educational and research programs by awarding graduate research assistantships (GRAs) to many incoming and current students. GRAs are funded by research grants and contracts. The AE faculty award the available GRAs to capable students whose background and research interests best align with these projects. Students chosen for GRAs typically receive stipends of up to $2,500 per month and a reduced tuition ($25/semester) in return for their work on the sponsored research project. GRA recipients must consult with their faculty advisor each semester to determine the status of their funding.
Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTA)
Students who still need to secure sponsored funding for their research, have a gap in research funding, or are not in a research-focused program but need financial aid may be considered for a graduate teaching assistantship (GTA). GTA assignments are made at the school's discretion and are limited by the number of courses requiring teaching support in a given semester. A small number of incoming students may be offered a GTA as part of their admissions offer. Current students have the opportunity to apply for GTA positions in the semester before the assistantship is performed; applications typically are requested about two months before the start of the semester.
There are two types of GTA positions. Both include reduced tuition (only $25/semester) per semester. Level I GTA positions are provided to experienced instructors (Ph.D. students), students offered a GTA as part of their admissions, and GTAs for most laboratories. Level I GTAs provide students with a stipend of $2,270 per month. Level II GTAs are provided for all other scenarios and include a $1900/month stipend. Both GTA levels are expected to spend, on average, about 20 hours per week on their teaching duties.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I qualify/apply for assistantships? Some students will be offered GRA or GTA positions in their admission letters. If your offer letter does not include information about funding, you are allowed to engage faculty directly for GRA opportunities. While we do not allow students in the first semester to work as a GTA, we allow students without funding to apply for GTA positions in their second semester and onward. Students must apply for GTA positions each semester.
Roughly how many students are funded with GRAs/GTAs in the School of Aerospace Engineering? As of Fall 2021, over 70% of graduate students in the School of Aerospace Engineering received a tuition waiver in the form of a GRA, GTA, Fellowship or other financial support.
What fellowship opportunities are offered in the School of Aerospace Engineering? To identify funding resources, including fellowships, please see the link below. Fellowship opportunities may be open to non-citizens, URM & women students, and veterans. http://https/ae.gatech.edu/paying-college
What support does the School of Aerospace Engineering provide for students to get internship positions that could help with cost? We host an annual career fall each Fall for both undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Aerospace. The event enables students to network and make face-to-face connections with employers for internship and co-op opportunities.
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