Mentee Spotlight - Joseph Gelin

Joseph Gelin

“When you ask me why I want to be an aerospace engineer, it’s like asking me why I breathe. Being an aerospace engineer is baked into who I am.” 

What led you to meet with a mentor in the MIR program? 

I was doing research for graduate school and started to feel overwhelmed. I wanted some assistance, so I scheduled a mentoring appointment with Mentor Dr. Mitchell Walker to learn more about the process.  


What were some of your key takeaways from the mentoring meeting? 

Dr. Walker instilled a sense of confidence in me. He was patient and methodically walked me through the process of researching and applying for graduate school. Dr. Walker served as a guide and opened my eyes to things I hadn’t considered previously.  


Would you recommend other students meet with a mentor? Why? 

Yes! Going into the industry can be big and scary. If you can connect with someone who has already done it, it makes it so much easier. Similar to having a lead in research who can show you how to use software, you need a mentor who can help you with your career path. 


Fun Facts about Joseph 

  • Hometown: East Longmeadow, Massachusetts 
  • Knew he wanted to be a space scientist before the 2nd grade  
  • Loves Georgia Tech and over half of his wardrobe is GT themed 


Mitchell L.R. Walker II
William R.T. Oakes, Jr. School Chair