Ali's talk on magnetohydrodynamic energy generation selected as best student oral presentation
Hisham Ali

Hisham K. Ali
PhD AE '19

A talk given by Georgia Tech post-doc Dr. Hisham Ali before the 16th International Planetary Probe Workshop in Oxford, England has been selected as the best student oral presentation at the 2019 session.

Ali, a 2019 doctoral graduate of the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, presented "Experimental Investigation of Magnetohydrodynamic Energy Generation in Conditions and Configurations Relevant to Planetary Entry" which focused results of the experiments he conducted as part of his AE dissertation. As a post-doc supported by NASA-Langley, he's continuing to explore different ways to use re-entry plasma to generate energy and control the vehicle.

"There was very strong interest in the research from several labs," said Ali of the response from his IPPW colleagues. "I returned with several ideas for new applications of my dissertation work, as well as some thoughts on new potential experimental investigations, to either be conducted at Georgia Tech as a postdoc or later in my career."

The IPPW annually brings together scientists, engineers, technologists, mission designers, space agency representatives and students from around the world to collaborate on the exploration of solar system destinations through in-situ missions. The 2019 workshop focused on encouraging international co-operation in planetary probe missions, the development of new and emerging technologies, and scientific discoveries.