The April 22 event will allow students to study together. Without being together.
Women of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Georgia Tech member Preethi Mysore
Preethi Mysore
WoAA Board Member

How can you study together when you can't get together?

Studying for finals in the time of COVID presented a problem for the Georgia Tech Chapter of the Women of Aeronautics and Astronautics (WoAA), which usually holds a day-long, drop-in study session just before finals.

So they re-imagined it.

On Wednesday, April 22, the group will hold a series of virtual study groups via BlueJeans, the popular video conferencing software that students have already been using to attend classes during the temporary closure of the campus. Students can tune-in to these  WoAA video sessions for specific problems, where they can actively participate in discussions or mute the session until they have a question they want to ask.

“We wanted to make sure that students still had an opportunity to prepare for finals together and that they had an environment that wasn’t too distracting,” said Preethi Mysore, a WoAA board member.

“Hosting online study halls gives us a chance for social interaction, collaboration, and to provide a little structure for those studying from home."

The April 22 Schedule

Class# 1st Session (EST) Meeting ID # 2nd  Session (EST) Meeting ID #
AE 2010 9 am - 11 am 618148031​ 5 pm - 7 pm 559468096​
AE 2220 11 am - 1 pm 266028240  3 pm - 5 pm 209757196​
AE 3140 9 am - 11 am 830852903 5 pm - 7 pm 833033678​
AE 3530 9 am - 11 am 286978328 5 pm - 7 pm 557987067​
AE 3531 11 am - 1 pm 379406007​ 3 pm - 5 pm 805971526​

How it will work:

Students join WoAA BlueJeans sessions  (see table, above). Each two-hour session will be moderated by a WoAA member who is currently taking or has already completed that particular class. Students will join the conference call in the ‘muted' mode, but will be able to ask for assistance through the chat feature and can be un-muted as needed. This will prevent participants from distracting one another,  while also ensuring that they can get their questions answered. If their problem is a little too lengthy for the chat feature, they can screenshot their problems, or share their screen to get help from moderators and others in the study hall.

Students with any questions should contact Preethi Mysore at