You Have Options
The AE curriculum allows you to customize your academic program with AE Options courses that best round out your particular interests. You will also choose one math class from the Math Options course list. The follow is a list of all Options classes, to what's being taught in particular semester refer to the box on the right.
AE Options Courses
Options courses are 4000-level elective AE courses that can be used to satisfy the six (6) credit-hour requirement in the AE Options area. In addition, senior students with a GPA of 3.25 or greater and the instructor's approval can use one (1) 6000-level AE lecture course to satisfy the AE Options requirements. Up to an additional two (2) 6000-level AE lecture courses can be taken toward the Fallthrough Courses section on your DegreeWorks, in preparation for BSMS completion (please meet with Academic Advisor for clarification).
- AE 4040: Computational Fluid Dynamics
- AE 4071: Rotorcraft Aeromechanics
- AE 4080: Aerothermodynamics
- AE 4132: Finite Element Analysis
- AE 4220: Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
- AE 4361: Space Flight Operations
- AE 4376: Accident Causation and System Safety
- AE 4552: Humans and Autonomy
- AE 4580: Introduction to Avionics Integration
- AE/ME 4701: Wind Engineering
- AE 4760: Acoustics and Noise Control
- AE/ME 4793: Composite Materials and Processes
- AE/ME 4791: Mechanical Behavior of Composites
The following Options courses are not yet in the catalog but will be offered as Special Topics courses:
- AE 4803 - Configuration Aerodynamics and Flight Performance
- AE 4803: Introduction to Flight Test Engineering
- AE 4803: Intro to Safety by Design OR Accident Causation Prevention and System Safety
(credit can be earned for this 3 credit-hour course OR for AE 4376 but not for both) - AE 4803 - Team Design (follow-on course to AE 434x)
- AE 4803: Numerical Analysis and Algorithms
- AE 4803: Planetary Spacecraft Development
(only 1 semester of this course may be counted as an AE Option) - AE 4803 - Robotics and Autonomy
- AE 4803/4453 - Advanced Aircraft Propulsion
- AE 4806 Space Hardware Lab
Math Options Courses
The AE undergraduate curriculum includes five (5) required mathematics courses, and a sixth course that must be chosen from the following list.
Please note that the courses below link to another site that will be updated soon. Please notify the communications office if you have any problems.
- MATH 3215 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- MATH 3670 -Probability and Statistics with Applications
- MATH 4305 - Topics in Linear Algebra
- MATH 4317 - Analysis I
- MATH 4320 - Complex Analysis
- MATH 4347 - Partial Differential Equations I
- MATH 4541 - Dynamics and Bifurcations I
- MATH 4581 - Classical Mathematical Methods in Engineering
- MATH 4640 - Numerical Analysis I
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