George Kardomateas
Dr. Kardomateas is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and his extensive research spans a wide range of aerospace conventional (metallic) and advanced (composite) structures topics, including monolithic and sandwich composite structural behavior, fracture mechanics and fatigue crack growth, structural stability, mechanics of nano-structured materials, mechanics of piezo-electro-magneto-elastic solids and thermal and environmental effects. Dr. Kardomateas is the author (together with R.L. Carlson) of the book: An Introduction to Fatigue in Metals and Composites, published by Chapman and Hall, 1996, the author (together with L.A. Carlsson) of the book: Structural and Failure Mechanics of Sandwich Composites, published by Springer in 2011 and the author (together with R.L. Carlson and J.I. Craig) of the book Mechanics of Failure Mechanisms in Structures, published by Springer in 2012. He is also the editor of six volumes on the topic of failure mechanics of composite and sandwich structures, an associate editor of the Handbook of Damage Mechanics: Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures, as well as the author of about 200 papers published in refereed journals or as parts of books. Dr. Kardomateas has delivered over 200 conference and numerous seminar presentations and short courses, including many plenary/keynote lectures.
Dr. Kardomateas earned a Diploma from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece) in 1981 and both M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982 and 1985). He then joined the General Motors Research Laboratories as a Senior Research Engineer conducting research in advanced composites. Dr. Kardomateas joined the faculty of the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1989.
The extensive list of Dr. Kardomateas’s novel contributions includes a highly accurate nonlinear structural theory, the Extended High Order Sandwich Panel Theory (EHSAPT) for the static and dynamic analysis of sandwich aero-structures; a mixed-mode fatigue growth law for delaminations in layered composites; an inelastic discrete asperities closure model for fatigue crack growth in metallic aero-structures; benchmark elasticity solutions to structural buckling/wrinkling and sudden loading of advanced composite and sandwich structures; the introduction of a new highly efficient finite element for sandwich structures; small fatigue crack growth experiments and prediction approaches in aluminum and titanium alloys in support of helicopter damage tolerance programs; closed form solutions for the energy release rate and mode mixity of face/core debonds in sandwich composites in support of related test protocols; new singularities for mixed mode interface cracks in piezo-electro-magneto-elastic anisotropic bi-materials and non-local elasticity solutions for multi-walled carbon nanotubes.
Dr. Kardomateas has served as an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics and the AIAA Journal, as a Contributing Editor of the International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics and as a guest editor of the International Journal of Solids and Structures and the Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. Dr. Kardomateas is a Fellow of the ASME and has served as the Technical Chair of the 2014 ASME Congress, the General Chair of the 2015 ASME Congress and the Steering Committee Chair of the 2017 ASME Congress. Dr. Kardomateas has also served in many other panels and committees including as the Chair of the Daniel Guggenheim Medal Board of Award, the Chair of the Applied Mechanics Division Composites Committee of the ASME and on the Organizing Committee of the sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh International Conferences on Sandwich Structures; he has also served on external evaluation committees for many academic programs.
As an aerospace engineering educator, Dr. Kardomateas has been the advisor of more than 20 PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who are now very successful faculties in universities in the USA and abroad or hold high positions in the aerospace industry (such as Bell Helicopter, Sikorsky Aircraft etc). In addition, he has hosted several visiting scholars and has made significant contributions to the Georgia Tech aerospace structures curriculum by introducing new graduate and undergraduate classes in the Structural Integrity and Durability of Aerospace Structures.
Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE)
Institute for Materials
Structural Mechanics & Materials
AE Multidisciplinary Research Areas:
Mechanics of Multifunctional Structures and Materials
Diploma (B.Sc.), Mechanical Engineering, 1981, National Technical University of Athens; M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, 1982, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 1985, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
- ASME Spirit of St. Louis Medal
- Fellow of the ASME
- Associate Fellow of the AIAA