
The AE School has teamed with GT Tutoring & Academic Support (TAS) to offer our undergraduate students more resources for academic assistance. Hover over the various services below to see all of the support available to you.
Academic Support
- Knack Tutoring for Engineering Courses
Georgia Tech’s Tutoring & Academic Support (TAS) has partnered with Knack Tutoring to expand your academic support on campus for engineering courses. Knack’s platform allows you to book FREE online 1-to-1 and group study sessions. Knack tutors are GT students who have earned an A in the courses they support. Check it out today to request a tutor! You can also sign up to be a tutor and earn money based on a work schedule that you control. Questions can be directed to Knack tutoring sessions are designed to be student led, so it is important that students are prepared to articulate their thoughts and be actively engaged in the problem-solving process while visiting a tutor. Tutors do not lecture or re-teach the material. Rather, they are trained to help students pinpoint areas of confusion and guide them through - AE Drop-In Tutoring
AE Drop-in Tutoring is a new and free tutoring program offered in collaboration with Tutoring & Academic Support. AE Drop-in Tutors hold one or more shifts Monday through Thursday from 4 to 6 PM in Loewy Library (Montgomery-Knight 302). Supported courses will be updated on a semesterly basis.

- Non-AE Drop-In Tutoring
In addition to the AE Drop-In Tutoring, TAS offers Drop-In Tutoring is provided for many of GT’s most high demand courses. No appointments are necessary. Just drop by in-person or join virtual sessions during the listed times to get help right away! - Peer-Led Undergraduate Study (PLUS) Sessions
- PLUS sessions provide opportunities for students enrolled in traditionally challenging courses to work together to review course content, develop learning and study strategies, and prepare for exams. These voluntary sessions are offered several times each week and are facilitated by PLUS leaders who have already successfully completed the course. PLUS leaders attend the course daily with the students.
- Learning Assistant Program (LAP)
LAP offers support to courses by providing Learning Assistants—students who are prepared to provide support for student learning in an interactive classroom environment. LAs help facilitate active learning and collaborative instruction in lecture, recitation, studio, and/or lab. LAs guide or coach students by sharing skills and knowledge they have already learned from taking the course. In addition, they help identify and address student difficulties with course content. - Academic Coaching
Academic Coaching provides students with the chance to work individually with professional staff members to enhance their academic skills, gain confidence, discover motivation, and improve performance. Students usually schedule a 45-60 minute meeting every two weeks or once a month, depending on their individual need. Academic coaching is available year-round through scheduled appointments. - Recitations
Recitations are optional sessions in support of for-credit courses, and are non-credit and non-billable—meaning that no tuition/fees are assessed, nor does they affect financial aid/scholarships. Recitations are designed to provide time for application of conceptual knowledge and extension of instruction that occurs in lecture through problem-solving or discussion. AE utilizes Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) who support the following courses: AE 2010, AE 2220, and AE 3030. - Courses
- GT 2100: Success Seminar
Course designed to help students returning from Academic Dismissal develop and practice strategies for success at GT (practical application of learning skills, study strategies, time management, improving academic performance). - GT 2801: Study Strategies
Course for students on Academic Probation providing solutions-based opportunity to learn skills, strategies, and ways of thinking that will assist in getting students into good academic standing and develop practical, transferrable learning techniques.
- GT 2100: Success Seminar
- Mentors in Residence
Mentors in Residence is a resource that allows you to select a mentor from a diverse list of professionals, and set up a half-hour appointment to talk with that person about topics of interest to you. Your career. The state of the industry. New technical trends. Anything! Students can connect with professions who can answer questions and give you guidance about the career they are building at Tech. Students are encouraged to meet with as many mentors as they would like.
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