A Global Perspective
The Georgia Tech Office of International Education offers several programs to enhance the educational experience of AE students through foreign travel and study. AE students have had particularly good experiences with the Study Abroad, International Plan, and Foreign Exchange programs listed below. If you are interested in adding study to your program, we recommend you review options at the Office of International Education (OIE) and speak directly with a study abroad advisor from that office.
Study Abroad
Students in the Georgia Tech Study Abroad program receive instruction from Georgia Tech faculty at a host university in another country. Because Georgia Tech faculty use already-approved AE curricula, there is no need to worry about credit approval upon return. There are well-established Study Abroad programs at the University of Limerick (with ISYE), Oxford University and Georgia Tech-Lorraine. Visit the OIE Study Abroad page, to find a country that interests you.
Find out about AE's Study Abroad Summer programs in...
Limerick, Ireland
The AE Limerick Study Abroad Program.
The AE India Study Abroad Program.
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The International Plan (IP)
If you choose to pursue the International Plan (IP) you will integrate international studies, language acquisition, and overseas experience into your BSAE curriculum. Your IP work will be designated on your Georgia Tech diploma. To earn the designator, you must:
- Develop proficiency in a language other than English;
- Complete a minimum of 26 weeks of coherent international experience;
- Complete three (3) globally-oriented courses, plus a capstone in the major;
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.7 overall.
Global Internships
Georgia Tech's Global Internship Program helps students gain multiple perspectives on their chosen field by pursuing short-term work experiences in an international context. The Global Internship Program (GIP) staff advise Georgia Tech students on job search techniques and preparing to work in a new cultural setting. The GIP also seeks to make relationships with overseas employers to offer quality internships/co-ops for our students.
About Academic Credit...
If you are not enrolling in a program that awards pre-approved credit for foreign study, you need to have your courses evaluated as transfer credit. We recommend you consult with the associate chair for undergraduate programs to review your selected courses well before embarking on any program. This is particularly important if you are trying to earn transfer credit for core AE courses (e.g., structures, fluids, controls, design).
Not sure if your course has already been approved? Check the Registrar's Equivalency Table (ET) on OSCAR. If your course is listed on the ET, you do not need to seek further approval.
If your course is not on that table, you may still take it, but you must fill out and submit a Foreign Credit Approval Form (FCA) . Start this process by reviewing the information on completing the Foreign Credit Approval Form. Make sure you obtain a copy of the course catalog description, the course textbook, and a detailed course outline. You can cull this information from the website of the school you will attend or from that school's catalog.
Non-Georgia Tech International Study
Students who apply to participate in international study programs through universities not affiliated with Georgia Tech should read the NON-Georgia Tech Program FAQs from the Office of International Education.
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Study Abroad
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Exchange Programs
The Georgia Tech Exchange program enables students to earn credits toward their major while studying at a top-tier university in another country. A list of the current Exchange programs approved for AE students can be found below. The ones that are delineated with an asterisk (*) have been pre-approved to ensure full credit transfer for aerospace engineering courses. If you want to participate in any of the other programs listed, you should consult with the AE associate chair of undergraduate programs to find out about credit equivalency before enrolling. If you do not see a country listed there, speak with an OIE Study Abroad advisor to see if one can be established.
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