Mentee Spotlight - Taylor Hampson

taylor hampson

What led you to meet with a mentor in the MIR program? 

As a second year, I am still figuring out my life. The MIR program seemed like a great opportunity to obtain quality advice from experts in fields I am interested in. I met with Dr. Walker to discuss undergraduate research. Dr. Magnus for advice on graduate school timing and to learn more about her experience as an astronaut. Josh Ingersoll for general career advice and to hear about his experience as a Matthew Isakowitz Fellow.


What were some of your key takeaways from the mentoring meeting? 

  • You have plenty of time to determine your career path
  • Live your passion & let what fascinates you guide your career path
  • Tips on working while enrolled in a graduate program
  • Advice on navigating AE courses


Would you recommend other students meet with a mentor? Why? 

Yes & No. Yes, because it's great. No, because other students would start booking all the mentoring slots.


Fun Facts about Taylor 

  • Hometown: Jacksonville, FL

  • Developed a framework for meeting with mentors: What I know, What I want to know, What I learned

  • Training for a marathon

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Sandra "Sandy" Magnus
Professor of the Practice
Josh Ingersoll
M.S.A.E. 2019
Mitchell L.R. Walker II
William R.T. Oakes, Jr. School Chair