AE Minors and Certificates

For AE Majors Who Want to Add a Non-AE Minor
We recommend you start by discussing your decision with your AE advisor. Contact an advisor from the subject area you want to add as a minor, or to check the school’s website for any additional requirements for minors. Finally, fill out the Change/Addition of an Academic Minor(s) form, making sure you get signatures from the advisor for your new minor as well as from an advisor from GT-AE.
Minors: for AE Majors and for Other Majors
Minors are defined programs of study that more deeply explore subjects not covered or emphasized in the student's major concentration.
If you are an AE major who wants to pursue a minor, you have two options. You may explore the minors offered by other schools throughout the Institute. To do this, you should get details and requirements directly from the advisor for the minor you choose. You also have the option of pursuing one of the two special tracks, open to AE majors only, described below. In either case, we recommend you speak with your AE academic advisor to identify your goals and strategy for pursuing a minor.
If you are a non-AE major, you may explore the Minor in Aerospace Engineering.
Some things to consider:
- Minors are available in virtually every subject area taught at Georgia Tech. See the list of Georgia Tech Minors
- There are special tracks for Georgia Tech AE majors who want to minor in Energy Systems or in Scientific And Engineering Computing.
- Minors must include at least 15 credit-hours of coursework;
- Minors must include at least nine (9) credit-hours of courses numbered 3000 or above;
- Courses used to satisfy Core Areas A through E in a student's major cannot also be used to satisfy the course requirements for a minor;
- Up to two courses taken to satisfy requirements for any minor can also be applied toward the BSAE Free Electives requirements--minor courses cannot be used to also satisfy any Areas A-F, AE required major, or AE Options courses.
- All courses counting toward the minor must be taken for a letter grade - with a grade of C (2.00) or better.
For a full list of guidelines and considerations for minors, visit the Georgia Tech Catalog.
If you are an undergraduate in good academic standing you may choose elective courses and the subjects of special problems to satisfy simultaneously both the requirements of a BSAE degree and those of a specialized multidisciplinary program. Upon graduation, you will receive both the degree in that major field of study and a certificate attesting to successful completion of the related multi-disciplinary program. Find out more about the Institute's guidelines for undergraduate certificates.
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