Undergraduate FAQs
Please click on the areas you wish to explore to jump to that section below
- General Advising Questions
- Connecting with Advisors and Mentors
- Registration
- Permits & Overload Requests/Waitlists
- Undergraduate Research
- Co-ops and Internships
- Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (BSAE) Curriculum
- Minor and Change of Major
- Graduation
- Hardware (Laptop) Requirements
General Advising Questions
Where do I go if I have general questions regarding my time here at AE?
Please email ae-info@aerospace.gatech.edu for general questions and allow up to 48 business hours for a response.
I'm struggling in some of my classes and need help. What should I do?
Please reach out to your course instructor for advice pertaining to the course and take advantage of their office hours to get help.
In addition, tutoring and academic support are available for a number of courses. Please visit our Tutoring & Academic Suppo webpage for varied options on how to obtain academic support, academic coaching, and tutoring for your courses.
While our academic advisors are great resources to help with academic questions regarding curriculum and courses, AE offers access to some of our brightest leaders right here in AE through the Mentors In Residence initiative. This program allows students to connect with professionals right here in AE or associated with our program through community collaboration who are looking to engage with students on preparing for the future.
What AE courses are available next semester?
You can find out what courses are being taught next semester by logging into OSCAR, choosing a semester (Fall, Spring, Summer), and choosing "aerospace engineering" as the subject
When can I see what classes are available?
The release date of the class schedule for any particular semester will be posted on the Registrar's Academic Calendar before registration begins;
When the class schedule has been released, it can be viewed on OSCAR. Start by indicating which semester's classes you want to see; you will then be asked to choose a subject (aerospace engineering).
What are Special Topics courses?
Special Topics courses are courses that are designed by AE faculty to explore a unique problem or topic within the aerospace engineering discipline. They are taught for a limited time, usually one semester.
When can I start registering for classes?
All students are issued a Time Ticket indicating when they may begin the registration process online.
The time listed on any particular Time Ticket is determined by the Georgia Tech Registrar.
How do I register when I receive a pre-requisite error?
If you have successfully satisfied the pre-requisite, submit a pre-requisite permit request.
State clearly how the pre-requisite was satisfied.
It’s past the Phase I deadline to register for classes; can I get an override to register for a course?
Once the 4 PM deadline has passed on the last day of Phase I for any term, changes cannot be made. Any changes to course schedules can be made once Phase II reopens.
It’s past the Phase II deadline to register for classes; can I still make changes to my course schedule?
Once the 4 PM deadline has passed on the last day of Phase II for any term, changes cannot be made. Students are allowed to withdraw from a course if needed. However, we highly encourage students to meet with their advisor to discuss the matter first before making a decision alone.
I have a hold on my account that is preventing me from registering. What should I do?
Until all holds are removed, students will not be able to register for classes. Holds can only be removed by the department that placed them on the account. Students with AE advising holds must meet with an advisor first before having the hold removed.
Use the Instructions for Viewing Holds to view any holds before registration begins.
Advising holds issued through AE will not be removed without an advising session. You must communicate with your assigned advisor before the hold can be removed. After that meeting, submit a signed advising sheet to the AE Academic Office to have the hold removed.
How do I register when a class is restricted to AE majors only?
Students who are not aerospace engineering majors, please note that restrictions on AE courses are not lifted.
Aerospace engineering majors should submit a restricted class permit request from the Georgia Tech Registrar.
Connect with Advisors
You have three options:
- Advising Appointments: You can set up a virtual advising appointment with an advisor by going to Advisor Link. Virtual will be the default mode for appointments due to its efficiency and because each advisor will telework during a portion of the week. If you prefer in-person for that appointment, let the advisor know and they will accommodate if possible.
- Drop-In Advising: Please feel free to stop by the AE Undergraduate Advising office (Montgomery Knight Bldg., Room 308) for any questions or concerns you may have. In the interest of campus health, our advising team requests that students wear masks during in-person advising appointments.
- Email Contacts: If you have quick questions that do not require an advising session, feel free to email one of the AE advisors:
- Chris Lundy: william.lundy@aerospace.gatech.edu
- Chirag Patel: cpatel88@gatech.edu
- Kay Doering: kdoering6@gatech.edu
- Xavier Cammon: xcammon3@gatech.edu
Permits & Overload Requests/Waitlists
How do I get closed class overloads for AE courses?
If a class is closed/full, students should submit a closed class permit request
Overloads are not guaranteed. Degree candidates are given priority.
How do I get on the waitlist for a class?
The School of Aerospace Engineering does not use waitlist function for its closed classes;
If a non-AE course section is closed, but the wait-list function is enabled, visit the Registrar's waitlisting page and follow the instructions.
Can AE advisors provide permits for any course?
Courses that are not specific to AE (or labeled with AE as the subject with a course number) require permits from the specific department under which they are housed. Please contact the appropriate department accordingly.
Can I get a permit for a graduate course?
Students seeking to enroll in a graduate course must satisfy three requirements: 1) must be a senior with a GPA of 3.25 or higher, 2) must have permission from the instructor, or must be in the BS/MS Honors Program.
For AE BS/MS Honors Students
Enroll by submitting a restricted class permit request on OSCAR;
AE BS/MS Honors Program students should put "AE Honors Program” as the request reason;
You will receive an auto-generated message when your request is processed;
After the permit is issued, email the Georgia Tech Registrar's office to request a level override. You may also visit the Registrar's office, located in Tech Tower;.
After the level permit has been applied by the Registrar’s office, you may register for the course.
For All Other Students (AE or Non-AE Majors)
Obtain permission from the instructor of record and send it to permits@ae.gatech.edu.
Submit a permit override request on OSCAR;
You will receive an auto-generated message when your request is processed;
After the permit is issued, e-mail or visit the Georgia Tech Registrar's office, located in Tech Tower, to ask for a level override.
After the level override permit has been applied by the Registrar’s office, register for the course.
My permit request to take a graduate level course was approved, so why am I still unable to register?
Once the department has granted approval for a graduate level course, students must submit a LEVEL permit request with the Registrar. Again, only seniors with a GPA above a 3.25 will be granted permission.
What is the best way to ensure my permit/overload requests will be evaluated?
Students looking for permit/overload requests must submit their requests through BuzzPort in order to ensure that the AE Permits team receives those requests. If requests are not submitted through BuzzPort, the Permits team will have no idea whether you have submitted a request or not. Please note that these requests may take time to process, and therefore only *one* request should be submitted per course. Multiple requests for permits can contribute to further delays in processing.
Undergraduate Research
How do I get a Research Permit?
Both undergraduates and graduates must enroll in specific classes to be eligible for research opportunities. Each requires a special permit.
This is true whether you are taking research as an elective or as a requirement. It is important that you initiate and complete the research permitting process, outlined here.
How do I register for an undergrad AE class if I am not majoring in AE?
If you are not an AE student, you must follow a specific permitting process to register for AE classes.
How many semesters of research can I do while in AE?
There is no set limit to a number of research courses (AE 2698, 2699, 4698, 4699) students can take while in AE. However, students should be mindful of how many they need in order to graduate based on how many AE Options courses or other free electives they have taken or plan to take. Since research courses can only count in the Free Electives section, students can end up taking anywhere from 0 to 3 semesters worth for credit. Students pursuing the BS/MS Honors Program require a minimum of three semesters of research after being accepted into the program.
Can I take multiple research sections in the same semester?
Yes, students are allowed to take more than one research section with multiple faculty members in the same term. Note that BS/MS students can only count one section toward the three semesters required for the BS/MS Honors Program. Be sure to submit signed Permit Forms for each approved section, indicating the appropriate faculty member and corresponding CRN number.
When can I begin enrolling in research courses?
Students are allowed to begin taking research courses following completion of their first semester in AE and/or at Georgia Tech. This is to ensure that students will be able to handle their respective course load alongside research.
How do I get my research permit approved?
Students seeking research permits can fill out the AE Undergraduate Research Permit Request form, have it signed by the corresponding faculty member with whom the student plans to research, and then submit the form via email to permits@ae.gatech.edu. Forms must be submitted no later than 9 AM on the last day of Phase II registration. Once the permit has been approved, students will receive email confirmation and are then responsible for registering for the course in OSCAR.
Co-ops and Internships
I took a 12-hour internship, does that count toward my graduation requirements?
Internships are not required to graduate, therefore the credit hours obtained through an internship or Co-op do not count toward the 132 curriculum credits needed to graduate with the BSAE degree. However, students do earn audit credits toward their transcript for internships.
How can I register my internship or Co-op for credit?
Students can register their internships or Co-ops by visiting the Career Center’s website here.
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (BSAE) Curriculum
How many AE Options courses do I need to graduate?
Students need at least two AE Options courses in the AE Options section to graduate, totaling six credits.
I took more than one AE 4803 sections. Can I count all those toward my AE Options?
Yes, since there are multiple sections of 4803 covering different topics, each section can be counted toward your AE Options requirements.
My AE Options are showing up in the Free Electives/Fallthrough Courses section. Does this mean I took the wrong course?
No, students who have taken AE Options courses from the appropriate list, will have their courses count. Students must contact their advisor to get those courses applied to the AE Options section.
Are minimum grades required in certain courses to be able to register for others?
Yes, all Physics and Math courses must be passed with a minimum grade of C or higher to be eligible for scheduling AE courses with Math or Physics pre-requisites. Additionally, a minimum grade of C or higher is also required in COE 2001, AE 2010, and AE 2220.
Do my Free Electives have to be AE courses?
We encourage students to take as many AE courses (typically research courses) as they would like to satisfy the Free Electives section. However, the section can be filled with courses from across any department as long as they are not doubly counted in another section.
Minor and Change of Major
Please meet with Mr. Chris Lundy to discuss any questions you may have regarding minor and changing of major information.
How many hours do I need to graduate from the AE program with a BSAE?
Students must complete a minimum of 132 credits hours (including all required Core and major courses) to graduate from the BSAE program.
When do I need to apply for graduation?
Students must submit their graduation applications by the 4 PM Phase II deadline of the semester from which they intend to graduate.
Are there any minimum GPA requirements to graduate from the AE program?
The AE department adheres to the institutional minimum 2.0 GPA requirement for graduation eligibility. However, students with a GPA below 2.5 require mandatory advisement every term regardless of graduation eligibility.
NOTE: Please be considerate of the workload pressures of the academic advisors in other departments when dealing with emails, walk-ins, and phone calls. They are doing all they can to accommodate students.
Hardware (Laptop) Requirements
In order to be successful, AE student computers should meet at least the minimum standards listed on the Student Computer Ownership site.
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