Why BS/MS Honors Program?
If you are a highly motivated undergraduate, the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering's joint BS/MS academic program can give you the chance to earn your AE bachelor's and master's degrees in as little as five years. In addition, consider:
- You can use up to six (6) credit-hours of AE Options courses for both your BS and MS degrees. These AE Options courses which you double-count are at the 4xxx-level and/or graduate level. Typically, this means you can finish your MS program 9-12 months after finishing BS degree.
- When you submit your BS/MS graduate application (in your last year of the BS program), the graduate application fee and the GRE exam requirement are waived. In addition, only one letter of recommendation (not three) is required for the graduate school application.
- You will receive preference in the assignment of AE Undergraduate Research Fellowships and will gain at least 3 semesters of undergraduate research experience after* being accepted into the BS/MS program.
*Note: AE Research for the purposes of completing the AE BSMS Honors Program can only be counted if completed AFTER acceptance into the BSMS program. AE Research completed before acceptance in the BSMS Honors is not eligible toward satisfying the BSMS requirements.
You are eligible to apply to the BS/MS Program if...
- You are an AE undergraduate student with a Georgia Tech GPA of 3.5 or higher; and
- You have earned at least 48 total credit-hours (this includes AP/Transfer credit) and have completed at least 14 credit-hours of Georgia Tech coursework, of which 12 credit-hours must be in technical subjects.; and
- You have at least three semesters remaining in residence at Georgia Tech before finishing your BS degree. This ensures that you will be able to complete the three-semester research requirement. We suggest you plan to enter the program when you have earned no more than 80 total credit-hours. The eligibility requirement must be satisfied at the end of the semester in which you have applied.
Find out more, below, or visit our FAQ Page
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What are the 6 steps I need to take to get through the BS/MS Honors program?
1. Eligible undergraduate students must fill out an application.
- Completed AE Honors Program applications must be submitted online no later than the last day of classes in a given semester.
- Applications will be evaluated after the semester’s grades are available. Your eligibility requirements (GPA and credit-hours) must be satisfied at the end of the semester in which you have applied.
- If you have already identified a faculty research advisor, please provide his/her name on the application where indicated. (A faculty recommendation email/letter is not needed on the application).
- If your applications is approved, you will receive notification by the end of the semester in which the complete application was received
2. In addition to taking courses for your BSAE degree, you will conduct undergraduate research guided by an AE faculty member.
- Follow the instructions on the Undergraduate Research page to identify a faculty research advisor in your area of interest and register for undergraduate research courses
- Complete three (3) semesters of research as either AE 2699/4699 (for credit) and/or AE 2698/4698 (for pay) AFTER being accepted into the BSMS Honors Program and before you graduate with the BSAE degree. AE Research completed before acceptance in the BSMS Honors is not eligible toward satisfying the BSMS requirements
3. Make at least one oral presentation of your AE faculty-guided research (AE 2698/2699 and/or AE 4698/4699) before completing your BS degree.
- The presentation must be a public seminar, such as a professional society conference, student conference, seminar, or the AE Brown Bag Lunch seminar. Other presentations that are not associated with AE faculty-guided research do not fulfill this requirement.
- There are a limited number of AE Brown Bag Lecture seminars in Fall and Spring semesters and none are held in the Summer semester. Thus, you should try to complete your presentation two semesters before you graduate.
4. Early in the senior year of your BS program, you should submit a graduate school application for the AE BS/MS degree program.
4. Early in the senior year of your BS program, you should submit a graduate school application for the AE BS/MS degree program.
- If you wish to begin graduate school in the Fall semester, you should submit your graduate application by December 1 of the previous year. If you wish to begin graduate school in the Spring semester, then you should submit your graduate application by October 1 of the previous year.
For example, if you are graduating with BS degree in Spring 2021 and want to begin the graduate program in Fall 2021, then your graduate school application should be submitted by December 1, 2020. - The application fee and GRE exam requirement will be waived when you select "BS/MS" (not "MS" or "PhD") as the desired degree program.
- The application package must include all components listed, including a personal statement and one letter of recommendation (not three).
- In the graduate program, many students continue to conduct research with the same faculty advisor from the undergraduate program, but this is not required.
- What if I defer my offer of graduate admission or decide to attend graduate school on either a part-time or Distance-Learning basis?
- In order to double-count courses, you must complete the master’s degree within two years of the date you received your bachelor’s degree. Thus, if you defer your graduate admission for an extended period and/or if you attend graduate school on a part-time or Distance-Learning basis, it is possible that this two-year period will be exceeded. If that's the case, course double-counting will not be allowed.
- The response to your graduate application is normally provided within two (2) months of the application deadline, and questions about the status of your application should be directed to ae-graduate-info@aerospace.gatech.edu.
5. The semester before you complete the BS degree requirements, follow the instructions for Applying to Graduate with a BSAE.
- If these are graduate or 4xxx-level courses, then this can further shorten your time in the MS portion of your academic career. If you have taken additional courses that are not needed to satisfy your BS requirements, then they should appear as the BS degree “Fall Through Courses” on your DegreeWorks audit. If these courses do not appear as “Fall Through Courses” in your DegreeWorks audit, please meet with an undergraduate advisor in the AE Academic office who can only correct this before you graduate with the BS degree.
- In addition to the six (6) credit-hours you double-count in the BS/MS program, you can transfer up to six (6) credit-hours of BS degree “Fall Through” courses (at the graduate or 4xxx-level) which you took while an undergraduate to the MS program if they satisfy MS degree requirements.
6. The semester before you complete the MS degree requirements, follow the instructions for Applying to Graduate with an MS or PhD.
- For the BS/MS program, you may complete either the 'MS without Thesis' or the 'MS with Thesis' degree requirements.
- The Program of Study that you submit must indicate that you are a BS/MS student and also indicate which 6 credit-hours from the BS program you are double-counting to satisfy the MS requirements.
- Which courses may I double-count for the MS Program?
- Any of your AE Options (4xxx-level and/or graduate level) may be used toward MS degree requirements. Note that, to satisfy the MS degree requirements, no more than nine (9) credit-hours can be at the 4xxx-level and the remainder must be graduate-level courses. Thus, if you double-count six (6) credit-hours of 4xxx-level AE Options, then your MS program of study can include no more than three (3) credit-hours of additional 4xxx-level courses.
- What if I took more courses than needed for the BS degree while I was an undergraduate student?
- In addition to the six (6) credit-hours you double-count in the BS/MS program, you can transfer to the MS program up to six (6) credit-hours of BS degree “Fall Through” courses (that are 4xxx-level AE Options or graduate-level) that you took while an undergraduate. They must satisfy MS degree requirements. Note that Undergraduate Research (AE 4699) is not eligible.
If you have additional questions about this the BS/MS program, visit our BS/MS FAQ page. And, whenever you have a concern or request regarding your graduate studies, bring them directly to ae-graduate-info@aerospace.gatech.edu.
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